Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Happy Birthday Susan!! (Sept. 30) You are an amazing and courageous woman. We all love you!

Susan is the wonderful woman second from the right.

Also, check Susan out in the FALL 2009 issue of East Alabama Living. The article that features Susan is entitled UNSUNG HERO By Ann Cipperly and it is on page 44. Susan is a Red Cross Nurse and specializes in disasters. The article is about her time at Ground Zero after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. What is not mentioned is all of the other many disaster sites she has been to and been instrumental in not only the nursing aspect of the job but overseeing and supervising many other Red Cross Volunteers as well. I know she is our #1 GoTo nurse when we need help and advice. There is none better in the area. Susan you are such an asset to not only this community but also to us as our friend. I'm glad to see East Alabama Living recognize what we already knew, "You're the Greatest!" WE LOVE YOU!

Check out www.eastalabamaliving.com to view the article on-line and they will also have a list of retailers that sell the magazine. The magazine is in most shops downtown. I purchased mine at Heritage Gifts and Gourmet on 8th Street.

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Who Are "We"?

The original girlfriends started with one. One who wanted to follow after God with all her heart and who wanted to know from God what it meant to be His daughter whose worth is far above rubies. She could see the lie that promotes self-esteem and learned that each of us has a Christ-esteem which makes our worth far above rubies.

As she learned what it meant to be totally loved, totally accepted, and totally wanted by Him she began to give what she had been given. She first began pouring her life into one, two, then three, then four, five, six, then seven and eight. Then one by one these eight began to catch the vision and they began pouring their lives into one, two, then three and like Topsy in Uncle Tom's Cabin it "just grew and grew".

So, here we are. Who are "we"? You'll meet us. A wonderful, beautiful group of women both young and old, married and single who have been given much and want to give back what someone, through Christ, has given to them. Catch the vision and join us. Sit back and be encouraged, valued and accepted.
